Welcome To Immediate Surge

Immediate Surge is a website that serves as the bridge that links the average person - amateur and intermediate – with appropriate investment education firms. We position ourselves as the gateway to financial literacy. Immediate Surge assigns users to suitable investment tutors immediately after registration.

What Are We Set Out To Achieve?

At Immediate Surge, our mission is to promote investment literacy to as many persons as we can reach. We hope to break every stereotype that facades investment. We open the doorway to comprehensive investment education, giving anyone access to financial literacy.

Where We See Immediate Surge In The Future

At Immediate Surge, we aim to become a leading name that brings people investment education. We’re out to reach as many people as possible and connect them with tutors to help them step up their financial literacy. 

With every Immediate Surge signup, we get closer to our goal.

The Team Who Created Immediate Surge

The team that started Immediate Surge did so after observing the level of financial and investment illiteracy in the world. We reckon with the complexities of investing, plus the difficulty of finding a tutor to break the essentials down. The team at Immediate Surge aims to bring as many people in touch as possible with suitable tutors who can guide their development.

We Do Not Discriminate At Immediate Surge

We are aware of the perceived notion that investment education is for a selected few and frown against this sentiment. Anyone and everyone can learn anything by putting in adequate work and dedication.

To cater to various learning preferences, we developed a personalized solution that matches registered users with suitable tutors who fit their learning objectives. The registration process is easy and seamless.

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